AQAR 2021-22

The College is affiliated to Mumbai university, Mumbai and the curriculum for all the courses is prescribed by the concerned Board of Studies of the University. The same curriculum is adopted by all the departments in the college. Other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are designed and implemented in accordance with the Academic Calendar issued by the University.

The curriculum planning and implementation work is undertaken in a planned way. Every Academic Year, the Principal constitutes various committees by nominating the faculty after reopening of the college. The Principal conducts meetings with a team consists of IQAC and HoD's of all the departments to prepare the college Annual Academic Calendar by infusing the Annual Academic Calendar issued by the CCE and issued by the Affiliating University. Then the HoD's conduct the meetings with their faculties in their respective departments and prepare the Annual Action Plan of the departments, subject wise and paper wise and prepare annual curricular plan. All the teaching faculty members strictly follow the annual curricular plan.

The HOD’s conduct the review meetings twice in a year at their respective departments to know the status of the completion of syllabus and to monitor the conduct of other co-curricular activities such as Remedial Coaching Classes, Student Seminars, Quiz Competitions, Assignments, Group Discussions, Debates and Internal Exams etc. The Principal along with the IQAC and Academic Coordinator also conduct the review meeting to ascertain the status of academic activities and also to verify all the academic records. The college also organizes various programs related to the academics such as Field Trips, etc. Library of the college is well equipped with Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, Syllabus Copies of various subjects, previous Question Papers, Project Reports and e-resources which are necessary for teaching & learning.

At the beginning of each academic session, the academic calendar is prepared in consistency with the University Academic Calendar and the Government Holiday list. Teaching days and the tentative dates of internal assessment are mentioned in the academic calendar which are subject to changes depending on the university notifications from time to time. Based on the College academic calendar and the university notifications, departments prepare the schedule of internal assessment of each course and notify the dates and time of the internal assessments to the students. The evaluative internal assessments are conducted this mechanism, especially after the introduction of the learning outcome-based curriculum framework from academic session 2021-22. The evaluative internal assessments have defined weightage in the semester results under the university evaluation scheme, Each department maintains proper documentation of the evaluative internal assessment conducted during each academic session.

Based on the academic calendar, detailed timetable of the internal examinations is prepared and displayed in advance and informed to the students. The students are notified about exam related updates on regular basis through Official WhatsApp Group and on Exam Notice Board. The internal examination related activities like the evaluation of the answer papers, posting of marks in the portal and display of marks in the notice board for students is undertaken in a systematic and time bound way, strictly adhering to the university academic calendar

The course curriculum consists of several courses which integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability. University Curriculum has courses like Environmental Science, Energy Audit and Management, Solid Waste Management, Industrial Waste Treatment, Disaster Management and Mitigation, Professional Ethics, Principles of Management etc. Environmental Science is a comprehensive course covering all the aspects of environment like natural resources biodiversity, pollution, alternate energy resources and human intervention citing the causes and effects. Professional Ethics and Principles of Management enables the students to create awareness on business ethics and human values which inculcate moral and social values in them. Every year we conduct various seminars. Institute organizes various activities like tree plantation public awareness with the help of students, e.g. importance of blood donation and blood donation camps, the importance of hygiene and individual responsibilities. Women Development Cell organises various seminar & webinar related to domestic violence, sexual harassment, Girls participate in various co-curricular activities such as paper presentations, debate, and various cultural programmes. Extension activities like NSS and DLLE focused on various activities like Tree Plantation, Cleanliness, Food and Clothes distribution to needy people of Flooded area, Social Issue like Save Girl Child and Vaccine Awareness Program. Celebration of National Importance Day Like Independence Day & Republic Day Celebration.

The college takes every possible measure to understand the needs and requirements of the students before the commencement of the program. Students are counseled at the time of admission and an orientation program is organized in which students are familiarized with the course, mode of internal assessment as well as facilities available in the college. In the beginning of every academic year, teachers are nominated as the mentor of a class. As per the guidelines by University of Mumbai from time to time, internal assessment/ assignment/ presentations are the part of curriculum. In case of certain departments like BMS/ BAF, students are assessed with their Research skill also & continued by viva voce examination at the end of semester.

The academic ability of the students is judged by the concerned subject teachers based on the performance in internal assessments and are segregated as slow and advanced learners. A well-stocked library provides access to books, Journals and e-resources to the students to improve their academic ability. Since the students have different learning abilities, the institute initiated remedial coaching for slow learners, and every department sets the time table for remedial coaching for weak students. Advanced learner gets motivated by orientation program to appear for competitive exams. The Bridge courses are also conducted for all the science and arts students who take admissions into the BMS and BAF Courses.

For advanced learners institute motivate learners to join online courses like NPTEL, SWAYAM etc. Reference books and other advanced material related to the prescribed subject are provided to update their knowledge.

This practice is part of a blended learning system

The teaching-learning process is a core part of the college/institution. We use both traditional and modern methods to make the student-centric with an effective learning experience. The experiential learning, participative learning and problem-solving methods facilitate lifelong learning and knowledge for our students. Student’s centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning, and problem-solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experience. All The students extensively participate in various academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities within and outside of the college.

Participative learning involves Project presentation, field visits, Industrial visit.

Programs like NSS, DLLE inculcate among the students for practice for participative learning. Extension activities, internships and trainings ensure experiential learning for students. Students are also encouraged to participate in research conventions.

Few departments have projects as a curriculum that provides opportunity to the students for incorporating and practicing problem solving methodologies. They are also assigned group projects and activities which promote peer learning and team building. Classroom discussions, debates, seminars, quiz programmes, presentations by students, brain storming activities, facilitate participative learning.

Engaging students in problem-solving based learning on issues and challenges is encouraged in different subjects which enhance their innate ability to find out solution to a particular problem

The institute have made available the equipment like computers, laptops, Projectors, Wi-Fi, and also well-equipped computer lab. All the teachers effectively use the ICT based teaching methods with the help of PPTs. The faculties are provided hands-on training regarding PowerPoint presentation, creating videos, Advance Excel etc. The faculties have developed e-learning content for all the subjects- recorded lectures, PPT, videos, notes, and own YouTube links.

Students are encouraged to think critically and be innovative and creative in tackling their Assignments, projects and other tasks assigned to them. The use of smart devices like laptops, desktops, mobile phones, I-pads with internet facilities become common practice not only for the teachers but also for the college students. Separate Google Classrooms were created for all courses and programmes.

Teachers use these classrooms for sharing the notes and PPT’s, assignments and study material. Teachers also use Audio - Video Virtual Lab and YouTube. All the subject teachers share the subject and competitive exams information in the ‘WhatsApp’ group where all the teachers and the students are members and use this information for enhancing their knowledge to crack the entrance examination for getting admission into higher studies or employment. It helps our students in blended learning

College follows its Annual Academic Calendar provided by Mumbai University. The College ensures that all students are aware of the evaluation process through the college prospectus which is updated annually. The Orientation program held at the beginning of every academic year apprises the students of the evaluation process and the schedule. In order to ensure transparency in internal assessment, the system of internal assessment is communicated with the students well in time. The Principal holds meetings of the faculties and directs them to ensure effective implementation of the evaluation process. Students who are admitted for the concerned course are assessed continuously through various evaluation processes at college and University level. During every internal exam a separate room wise attendance will be maintained. The time table of every IE is prepared and intimated to all the faculty and students by displaying on the notice board. Continuous evaluation is made through Group Discussion, Assignments Submission, Field Visit, Project Work, Seminars & Presentation. Personal guidance is given to the poor performing students after their assessment. Topics are given by their teachers to the students to prepare for a PowerPoint presentation.

For transparent and robust internal assessment, the following mechanisms are conducted by the Examination Committee.

  • Question Paper Setting.
  • Conduct of Examination
  • Result display
  • Interaction with students regarding their internal assessment.

The method of internal assessment helps the teachers to evaluate the students more appropriately. Due to internal assessment, the interest of the student towards learning and attending the classes has also increased. It has created the interest among the students to take active participation in various online and offline co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for their overall personality development. The presentations improve the communication skills of the students which is very essential to face the interviews. In this way the mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust.

For smooth and effective conduct of the examinations at college, the Principal constitutes an Examination committee. The committee consists of a convener and members who are well acquainted with examination rules, regulations, time schedules and all the pre and post Examination activities framed by the affiliating University. The college has a well-organized mechanism for Redressal of examination related grievances. The student can approach the Teachers, College Examination Officer and Principal to redress the examination related grievance as per the requirement and jurisdiction of the grievance.

A. Grievances related to college conducted examinations:
At the college level, the evaluation work is done for the part examinations. If any student feels that the marks given to him in any paper are not just, he or she can apply for revaluation by remitting the fees to the college. The students should apply within fifteen days after declaration of the result. The college appoints subject experts other than the previous assessor. If there is a change in score, it is corrected by the internal examination committee of the college. College has to declare the final revaluation result within fifteen days. Internal examination committee itself looks after the complaints or grievances related to formative tests and summative examination. The students have the freedom to use the suggestion box to put in the note of dissatisfaction with the internal examination mechanism. The principal and in charge of faculty keeps an eye on the overall procedure by conducting the periodical meeting with the internal examination committee.

B. Grievances regarding university examinations:
Grievances related to Part II and III of Under Graduate and all Post Graduate courses are forwarded to the University Grievances Committee. Students can obtain a photocopy of the answer sheets from the university on request. Students who were not satisfied with their marks at the University examinations can apply for Revaluation/ Reassessment to the University. The students are notified about the same in due course. For students whose marks are not entered or incorrectly entered due to oversight in the University mark list, the college sends a photocopy of the mark list as prepared by the teacher with an application to rectify the error at the University level. Only the first-year students can make an application for their verification at college level and remaining students of other courses at degree level communicate with the University regarding revaluation. The norms regarding grievances are displayed on the University website. The Institution follows the University policy. The entire mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is time bound as per university rule and regulations.

Student Performance and Learning Outcome

  1. Sense of Social Responsibility amongst the students
    The NSS and DLLE unit strives to create civic awareness through numerous programmes. The NSS unit has organized various events (online and offline) such as yoga day celebration, Republic day celebration, Blood Donation camp. DLLE has launched activities such as online Slogan writing activity on women’s status, Poster making activity on Women Empowerment, International Women’s Day Celebration in collaboration with WDC Committee. WDC has done various activities to create a sense of Social Responsibility among the Students such as gender sensitization, online webinar on self-defense etc.
  2. Environmental Preservation
    The Environment Awareness Committee of the college spread the message of sustainable development and has taken up several eco-friendly initiatives. To sensitize and mobilize students’ participation for preservation and conservation of environment, Environment Awareness Committee conducts various activities to conserve the treasure of natural resources around us. Environment Awareness Committee has done various activities such as Tree Plantation, World Environment Day etc.
  3. Leadership and Team Building:
    The college taps the potential of students and encourages them to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The students learn the importance of cooperation and collaboration through effective team spirit. Team building allows students to develop stronger relationships and trust among each other.
  4. Patriotism:
    The college upholds India’s rich diversity through students belonging to different languages, religion, regions and culture. The parent institution fosters the feeling of patriotism by celebrating Independence Day and Republic Day. NSS unit organizes various programmes on communal harmony, democracy. It celebrates of Shaheed Divas, Gandhi Jayanti etc.
  5. Skill Development:
    The College tries to inculcate life skills, soft Skills in students to prepare them to face the future challenges. College has a multi- pronged approach viz. skill development courses soft skills and life skills. Different Webinar, and Value-Added courses such as English-speaking course as part of soft skill development and value addition. Motivational Talk by Principal Sir was organized for the students. Online Workshops on Soft Skills & Personality Development were arranged. College also had conducted Yoga Day for physical and emotional well-being of the students. Women Development Cell organizes self-defense workshops for girl students.
  6. Critical Thinking and Problem-solving skills:
    College had organized Webinar on Career Guidance on how to develop good resume, , Placement & Training Guidance and College had organized online webinar on Intellectual Property Rights so that students can be updated with recent changes in IPR
  7. Employability:The College is constantly grooming students for better placement and career opportunities. Students are encouraged and informed about various Jobs and placement through Notice Board and WhatsApp Group.

Assessment for Attainment of POs, PSOs and COs is the process carried out by the institution, that identifies, collects and prepares data to evaluate the achievement of POs, PSOs and COs. The process is conducted by IQAC, Examination Committee and Department head collaboratively.

Define POs, PSOs and COs – Since the institute is affiliated with the University of Mumbai, PO/PSO and CO are available in the syllabus copy are adopted. If not they are framed by individual teachers in close consultation with the departmental teachers and IQAC coordinator.

Program Outcomes (POs) , Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and course outcomes are communicated to the stake holders of the program by the following procedures:

  • POs and PSOs are kept in prominent locations of the campus for staff, students and public view.
  • POs and PSOs are displayed in Staff room, Admin office and library.
  • During committee meeting and faculty meeting POs and PSOs are reviewed among the students and staff members.
  • Vision and Mission of Institute and department are informed to the parents during Parents-Teachers Meeting.

Course Outcomes (COs):
The course outcomes and their mapping with program outcomes and program specific outcomes are elaborately discussed and derived by the committee members. COs are communicated to the students during the introduction class itself. COs along with syllabus are printed and issued to the students during the first class. During the discussion of the course, the outcomes of the course are also focused. During the commencement of each unit and after the completion of the unit, the course outcomes are reviewed.


M.B Harris College of Arts

A.E Kalsekar College of Commerce and Management, Nallasopara

Annual Report

Pass Percentage of Student during the Academic Year 2021-22

Year Program Code Program Name Number of students appeared in the final year examination Number of students passed in final year examination
2021-22 BA TYBA 21 21
2021-22 BCom TYBCom 240 227
2021-22 BMS TYBMS 71 64
2021-22 BAF TYBAF 42 38
2021-22 MCom Mcom - II 39 25
      413 375

An ecosystem is created through utilization of academic material resources in the libraries, computers, high speed internet and Wi-Fi by teachers and students. There is a system for creation and promotion of innovation through activities of committee and departments in the college. Knowledge creation is encouraged through Workshops, Certificate courses and Competition by various committees. Students lead in creative designing, editing and contribution in the form of articles, poems in College Magazines. Off-line field visits enhance creativity and innovation. Undergraduate students execute projects in reputed research institutions

Trained faculty organize workshops and Webinars on NET/SET examination. Faculty have created You-tube videos in the subject of Accountancy. ICT Material in the form PPTs, e-resources, videos etc., have been available for students on College Websites. Webinar on Research Methodology & International Conference etc. has been Organised for safeguarding of Knowledge. Notes and Ppt shared on Class Official WhatsApp Group. Test and Online Lectures are taken via Zoom App and Google Meet.

National Social Services (NSS): The Motto of NSS "Not Me But You", reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service. NSS helps the students’ development & appreciation to other person's point of view and also show consideration towards other living beings. The NSS activities like COVID AWARENESS DRIVE- helped students to understand about the precaution to be taken during the spread of the disease. NSS activities inculcate social responsibility and develop civic sense among NSS volunteers when they involve in activities like World Environment Day, Blood Donation, Sapling Distribution, Tree Plantation, Donation Drive Celebration of Independence Day, Republic Day, NSS Day, Yuva Day, Constitution Day and Gandhi Jayanti arouse sense of patriotism among volunteers. Celebration of Yoga Day helps students to practice Yoga in real life to keep mind, soul and body relaxed and keep them free from mental pressure.

Department of LifeLong Learning (DLLE): Unit organized various activities such as Orientation Program, Rally on world water day, Distribution of Cloth Bag, Rally on Say no to Plastic, Webinar on Gender Sensitization collaboration with WDC, Women’s Safety Laws lecture, National level Webinar on Organ Donation and Poster Making Competition and skit on Awareness of Covid

The infrastructure facilities and learning resources are categorized as under

(a) Learning Resources include resources and infrastructure required for library, computer lab, class room teaching, events, meetings and conferences.

(b) Support facilities include A.V room, Canteens, Seminar halls,, Staff rooms, Gymkhana.

(c) Utilities include safe drinking water and power generators.

There are outdoor facilities for Football, Cricket, Volleyball as well as for indoor games in the gymkhana.

Basic amenities on college premises include separate staff and student parking, canteen, drinking water coolers, first-aid, solar energy generation, CCTV cameras for security, fire safety and separate washrooms for Men, Ladies, Boys, and a Girls.

  • The Institute constantly upgrades the required infrastructure facilities
  • All the programs have an adequate number of classrooms, seminar halls.
  • The Institute is committed to provide specific services for the differently abled students wherever required such as lifts, and wash rooms.
  • Various facilities include Digital displays, CCTV, Wi-fi, AC.
  • Computer laboratories are air conditioned, well equipped with latest configured branded desktop computers having open-source operating system having 24/7 internet connectivity, power backup
  • Knowledge Resource (Central Library): The Institute has a well-organized library with sufficient space, book review services, book bank facilities, magazines, and newspapers.


Games(Indoor, Outdoor), gymnasium;

The institution gives utmost importance to the overall development of the students and organizes various sports, games, and cultural activities on campus regularly. To support this, the institution has the following facilities which are kept open beyond the working hours for students and staff

Our college having a well maintained campus spread over 2120sq. mts . Our Management believes in the all-round development of our students. There is a lot of encouragement for the students to participate in sports and culture activities simultaneously and thus they are awarded and rewarded accordingly.

We have a spacious and well-equipped Gymkhana, where pupils can play indoor games like table tennis, chess, caroms etc.

College teams are formed to take part in state level and University level competitions and other intercollegiate competitions.

There are outdoor facilities for Football, cricket, and other track and field events, separate volleyball and basketball courts, as well as facility for indoor games such as table tennis, carom, chess and badminton in the Gymkhana. Volley ball, throw ball, cricket, football, kabaddi, hand ball, kho-kho etc., are well practiced and played by the students.

Sr. No. Name of the Equipment
01 Table Tennis
02 Boxing Gloves
03 Boxing shoes
04 Skipping Rope
05 Boxing Headgear
06 Boxing Dress
07 Carom
08 Chess
09 Poll

Cultural Activities:
As cultural activities are an integral part of the study, the students are permitted to participate in various cultural activities inside and outside the campus. It provides personal growth by learning skills, to meet new people and to pass on the cultural traditions and to participate in the cultural events held in the college like Freshers, Annual Sports Day, Annual Day, Farewell etc. to exhibit cultural talents. Students are even sent to other colleges for intercollegiate competitions.
Aagaaz 2021 - 22 Annual festival: Event held on 10.2.22.


Our library is the information repository of our college, always striving to provide improved services to the readers. Have conducted orientation for students to encourage use of e resources through our library website, book review for promoting reading of e books, awareness on open educational resources, for improving reading strategies. Our library comprises a good collection of books, journals, magazines and e resources. Readers have 24x7 remote access to lakhs of e resources through NLIST database, National Digital Library database. The e contents like videos, notes, subject PPTs prepared by teachers are uploaded on website. The links of video lectures and You Tube lectures are provided on website.

Links of various important open access resources for academic purposes are also provided to them. For academic work, students and teachers have been provided computers and free internet access. Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (LMS).

Name of ILMS software = SOUL

Nature of automation (fully or partially) = PARTIALLY

With the increasing demand for internet access in educational campuses due to evolving standard of education and flexibility offered by the Internet - universities, colleges, educational institutes etc., are keenly stepping forward to setup secured and stable wired or Wi-Fi network campus for their students. As these devices devour bandwidth, colleges and universities are struggling hard to keep up with the bandwidth demand. Educational campuses have major requirements of user access control, control over bandwidth consumption, and differentiated policy control for management faculty’s access and student’s access. These campuses with wired and wireless internet access require seamlessly roaming facility to access internet from class room to library to labs.

Computer lab is well-equipped with branded PC's adequately supported by 32 Mbps leased lines for internet connectivity. It is also equipped with a wide range of licensed system software and application software. The entire campus is connected with LAN Messenger. Computer labs are well connected to the internet help students and faculty to carry out their academic and other work. Lab assistants are available to support students and faculty in their queries. The institute has total 109 computers

Wi-Fi facility: IT department extend the complete support to the students. It is made available by setting and installing the Wi-Fi zones at various locations such as Library, Computer Lab, Staff can access this facility on their laptops by registering themselves. The institute is planning to extend this further to create and establish a Wi-Fi enabled campus.

Intercom Facility: The campus is well connected with a well-planned Telecom Network with intercom facilities is provided.

Number of Computer available for Academic Purpose

Sr. No. Room No Number of Computer
01 A.V Room 01
02 104/105 01
03 108 01
04 203 01
05 204 01
06 205 01
07 403 01
08 504 01
09 Computer Lab 1 51
10 Computer Lab 2 31
11 Library 1 03
Total 93

Number of Computer available for Administrative Purpose

Sr. No. Room No Number of Computer
01 Office 04
02 Principal Office 01
03 Library 1 04
04 IQAC Room 02
05 Staff Room 02
06 Examination Room 01
07 Library 2 01
08 401 01
Total 16

Total Computer = 93 + 16 = 109

The College Development Committee (CDC) approves the budget for various activities and ensures that there is an optimum utilization of funds.

  1. Library: - Library provides continuous services to the students and teachers. Students read academic magazines journal and newspapers. During extra -curricular activities they refer reference books in the library. In larger quantity Book-Bank sets are distributed among needy and deserving students. In Library arrangement is made for natural light and air. It is fully Air conditioned, when Library remains fully occupied by students, air-conditioned facility is provided. Ample light facility is provided in the library. For safety and security CCTV cameras are installed, Everyday cleaning is done, hygienic atmosphere is provided in and around the library. Spot and sudden stock verification is done to check malpractice. Xerox facility is also available in the library. To preserve the collection fumigation is periodically done in the library. Out of syllabus, torn books and un-academic magazines are sold after the approval of Library Committee members. The. Library fees are spent on required books and journals.
  2. Sports Ground: - Sports In charge ensures the utilization of Playground and maintenance of sports equipment’s of the College. Sports material is stacked in the cupboard. Soil is replenished every year. Practice and warm up sessions are taken in Gymkhana. Indoor games are conducted in gymkhana. Dead Stock Verification of Sports equipment’s are undertaken every year.
  3. Computers: - Computers maintain by Lab In-charge. He looks after overall Hardware and software maintenance. Students’ teachers in/out records are maintained. Defective parts are repaired or replaced with latest materials. Computers are protected by antivirus software. A weekly time table of Class wise practical has been prepared by respective lecturers for the computers. Outdated Computers and printers are disposed of. In the budget, provision is made for Annual Maintenance Contracts for maintaining hardware. The replacements of damaged parts of computers are undertaken immediately. The cleaning and dusting of laboratories are undertaken by sweepers. A dead Stock Verification of all laboratory equipment’s is undertaken every year.
  4. Classrooms: - Classrooms are allotted as per the student strength. Lectures and practical are regularly monitored. Different committees have been formed for the smooth functioning of college curricular and extracurricular activities. The damaged LCD projectors have been replaced. Daily cleaning of all facilities is undertaken by peon and sweepers. Sanitary materials are regularly provided to sweepers.
  5. Maintenance of Campus: - A Security Guard has been appointed to maintain security. sweepers have been appointed for house - keeping and cleaning work. A team of Peon has been appointed to clean the entire premises including classrooms, laboratories, library and passages. Cleaning of water tanks is undertaken every six months. Fire extinguishers and buckets purchased for Fire Safety and are placed at prominent places.


Every year college constitutes various committees which includes student representation to carry out administrative activities. These Include Internal Quality Assurance Cell, NSS, etc. The office bearers take the responsibility of organizing the department into a coherent and friendly environment. They play an active role in organizing freshers’ welcome, farewell and other departmental activities. The office bearers play an important role in suggesting and arranging events. They carry out promotions for the event, invite resource persons, connect with companies and bring sponsorship for the events. Students’ members organize Fresher’s Welcome Ceremony and play an active role in organizing the Annual Cultural Festival of the college every year.

Cultural Event - 2021-22

Sr. No Date Name of the Events
1 10th February, 2022 Poster Making Competition
2 10th February, 2022 Mobile Cover Decoration
3 10th February, 2022 Cooking (Veg)
4 10th February, 2022 Hairstyle
5 10th February, 2022 Best Out of Waste
6 10th February, 2022 Slogan writing
7 11th February, 2022 Fruit & Vegetable Carving
8 11th February, 2022 Bridal Decoration
9 11th February, 2022 Cooking (Non - Veg)
10 11th February, 2022 Paheli
11 11th February, 2022 Nail Art
12 12th February, 2022 Bait Bazi
13 12th February, 2022 Mehandi
14 12th February, 2022 Solo Singing
15 12th February, 2022 Cooking
16 12th February, 2022 Nature's Photography

N.S.S. Activities 2021-22

Note: further activities conducted by the institute has been shown in additional files as attachment


The Alumni Association of A.E. Kalsekar College offers extensive support to students and offers a platform which facilitates better opportunities for growth and holistic development of the students by enhancing their skills set through means of interactive sessions and activities conducted round the year. The college established an Alumni Association to strengthen the association with the alumni and to expand opportunities to the present student to draw support and inspiration from former students. Alumni Association has been organizing 2 Alumni Meet in every year. Alumni speakers shared their expertise on key development areas such as soft skill development, career growth, management of stress and anxiety, and on several other relevant topics. A. E. Kalsekar College is committed to strengthening its ties with its former students. Alumni Association is an initiative in this direction. Every year present batches of students take the lead in all possible ways to make the alumni association of the college more robust and efficient. We are in the process of getting the Alumni association registered. We are in the contact of alumni student. We have formed WhatsApp Group of every year batches of Alumni where we put important message relating to Placement, College Functions etc. We also invite our Alumni to attend Annual Day. We are in the prospects of making new plans to be in touch of our Alumni.

Institute has a mechanism for delegating authority and providing operational autonomy to all the various functionaries to work towards decentralized governance system.

  1. Principal level: The Governing Body delegates all the academic and operational decisions based on policy to the various monitoring committees headed by the Principal in order to fulfil the vision and mission of the institute. The Principal in consultation with the Teachers Council nominates different committees for planning and implementation of different academic, student administration and related policies. All academic and operational policies are based on the unanimous decision of the governing body, the IQAC and the teacher’s council.
  2. Faculty level: Faculty members are given representation in various committees/cells and allowed to conduct various programs to showcase their abilities. Every year, the composition of different committees is changed to ensure a uniform exposure of duties for academic and professional development of faculty members. They are encouraged to develop leadership skills by being in charge of various academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. They are given authority to conduct seminars/ workshops/ conferences/ conferences/ FDP.
  3. Student level: Students are empowered to play an active role as coordinator of co-curricular and extracurricular activities. For effective implementation and improvement of the institute various committees are formed Functioning of different secretaries of student’s union (listed below) further reinforces decentralization. • cultural secretary • boys common room secretary • girls common room secretary • student welfare and social service secretary • canteen secretary • computer in charge
  4. Participative management: The institution promotes the culture of participative management at the strategic level, functional level and operational level. Strategic level: The Principal, governing body, College Development Committee (CDC) and the IQAC are involved in defining policies procedures, framing guidelines and rules regulations pertaining to admission, examination, discipline, grievance, support services, finance etc.
  5. Functional level: Faculty members share knowledge among themselves, students and staff members while working for a committee. Principal and faculty members are involved in joint research and have published papers.
  6. Operational level: The Principal interacts with government and external agencies faculty members maintain interactions with the concerned departments of affiliating university. Students and office staff join hands with the Principal and faculty for the execution of different academic, administrative, extension related, co and Extracurricular activities.

This College encourages a culture of decentralized and participative management by involving staff members in a number of administrative roles for smooth functioning of the college. It promotes a culture of participative management as all the college operations are managed by committees constituted for academic and non-academic activities. Major committees comprise teachers and include non- teaching staff and students as well. The college has created a decentralized structure for decision making where departmental committees interface their decisions with college staff.

A. Decentralized management:

The decentralized management of the college includes the Principal Staff and Students

  • Principal:
    The entire responsibility for the implementation of the plans and policies of the Top Management lies with the principal of the college. For effective execution of polices and plans, the Principal constitutes various administrative and academic committees by involving the staff members and students. More than 32 committees have been constituted which include Academic Committees, Administration Committees, IQAC & NAAC Committees and Extension Committees to discharge various functions of the college. All the committees will assist the Principal in effective functioning of the administration and academic activities.
  • Staff:
    The teaching and non-teaching staff plays a vital role for the effective implementation of the plans and polices. In order to execute these plans and policies, the Principal delegates powers to the staff by nominating them as mentors, conveners, coordinators and as in-charges of various academic and administrative committees (bodies). Academic and IQAC Coordinators play a key role in implementing curricular and co-curricular activities in effective manner by boosting the morale of the staff members.
  • Students :
    Students are important stakeholders of the college. The institution always believes that every student has a hidden talent either in Academics or in Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities. The Principal while constituting the committees, provides an opportunity to the students by nominating the members of various academic and administrative committees where they gain experience. In this process the students get a chance of discovering themselves and improve their self- confidence to Groom themselves as future leaders.

B. Participative Management:

The college encourages the culture of a participative management also for its overall development. It has two levels of participative management viz. Level-1 and Level-2

  • LEVEL-1: It Consist of the Principal, IQAC. They discuss the policies and plans at the Top Management.
  • LEVEL-2: It consist of Principal and teaching and non-teaching staff. After elaborate discussion with the teaching and non-teaching staff members, the Principal takes operational decisions for the betterment of the institution. The principal of the college ensures involvement of the staff members and students for effective implementation and execution of all the plans and policies. Prompt decision can be taken when all the stakeholders are involved. Participative management is the key for success of the college.

Strategic plan/perspective plan is a futuristic planning document that lays out core areas of emphasis. The plan looks at both external as well as internal environments with respect to strategic areas of growth and improvement. IQAC along with different stakeholders decided on six key areas of strategic growth

Strategic Plan/ Goal

  1. Innovation in Teaching & Learning Process
  2. Impactful Research & Development
  3. Value Added Course & Placement
  4. Human Resource

1. Innovation in Teaching & Learning Process

To create a multidisciplinary and engaging learning environment for students by incorporating innovative way with an overall objective to develop academic and professional competencies.


  • Integrate student centric teaching methods to enhance student engagement
  • Extensive use of ICT based tools for an immersive learning experience
  • Teachers uses various Teaching & learning app such as ZOOM app, Google Meet and Google Classroom
  • Teacher also make leaning resources such PPT and Pdf of class wise syllabus
  • Teachers record their lecture and upload on You-Tube

2. Impactful Research & Development

To create and nurture a research ecosystem for faculty & students.


  • Explore collaboration with institute of excellence for research projects
  • Approach funding agencies for developing and executing high impact research projects
  • Support faculty for Ph.D. enrollment & completion along with participation in research centric seminars and workshop
  • Build and sustain research aptitude by participation in research writing and project competitions such as Avishkar Research Convention

3. Value Added Courses & Placement

Expand career opportunities by creating a multidimensional development program that offers training and guidance leading to skilled workforce.


  • Plan and execute workshops, and webinar
  • Apply one-year Diploma Course in Urdu Language
  • Apply one-year Certificate Course in Arabic Language
  • Apply one-year Diploma in Computer Application (CA – BA MDTP)
  • Various placement notice is given to student through Official College WhatsApp Group

4. Human Resources

Empowering Human Resource with focused development plan in areas of pedagogy and governance.


  • Enrich soft skills by organizing training and guidance programs
  • Strengthen institutional capacities by promoting faculty participation in refresher program, FDP & STTP
  • Build a culture and decentralization and proper delegation
  • Various safety measure was arranged for the safety of Teaching Non- Teaching Staff such as Mask, Sanitizer, Hand Glows

The institution ensures effective and efficient functioning in all aspects, as evident from the policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.

Appointment and Service Rules: All teaching and non-teaching staff are appointed by the Government of Maharashtra Rules are applicable to all employees. Teachers are promoted to the higher Academic Level under the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) rules and regulations notified by the Government of Maharashtra.

Administrative Setup: The Principal is the institutional head. The institution functions in accordance to the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra. Each Department is headed by one faculty member, namely the Head of the Department. The Governing Body of the institution is constituted with proper Government notification. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) acts as the nodal agency to institutionalize the quality initiatives of the institution.

Teachers: College comprises of all full-time teachers of the institution and elects the Secretary for each academic session. The teacher’s council nominates sub-committees related to academic matters of the institution, such as admission, examination, student welfare, routine, research etc. The Head of the institution is the Chairperson of the College Teachers. Students have representation in the Governing Body, Internal Complaints Committee and Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad of the institution. The institution also has an effective student mentoring system.

Teaching & Learning (Policies adopted)

  • Improvement of computer aided methods of teaching and learning
  • Effective implementation of the university curriculum in terms of the student learning & outcomes
  • Enrichment of central library and departmental seminar libraries
  • Encouraging field work and organization of educational tours
  • Proper evaluation of students in terms of Internal Assessment
  • Providing high speed internet facilities to staff and students
  • Improving the undergraduate and postgraduate laboratories to provide more working space and infrastructural facilities.

Research (Policies adopted)

  • Encouraging faculty members to undertake major and minor research projects
  • Encouraging faculty members to submit manuscripts to national and international journals and publishers
  • Teachers are always encouraged and provided duty on leave to participate in seminars, workshops and conferences
  • Increasing the subscription of journals in the central library
  • Improving the central instrumental facility
  • Disbursement of received research funds for purchase of items without delay
  • Motivating the departments to organize seminars, conferences and workshops
  • Encouraging faculty members to collaborate with national and international researchers

Community Services (Policies adopted)

  • Encouraging participation of students in NSS unit
  • Encouraging different NSS activities for the benefit of community
  • Observation of important days such as Independence Day, Republic Day, National Yoga Day, World Aids Day etc in association with the community
  • Organizing webinars to promote environmental awareness
  • Sensitizing students towards the human values, ethics and duties of a good citizen

Promoting Sports and Cultural activities (Policies adopted)

  • Encouraging students to participate in sports activities and tournaments
  • Sensitizing students towards the significance of Yoga
  • Encouraging students and faculty members to participate in various cultural activities throughout the year

Career Counselling (Policies adopted)

  • Organization of seminars/webinars followed by interactive sessions on the career prospects in higher education and job opportunities
  • Organization of workshops and training programs by the Career Counselling and Placement Cell
  • Organizing campus interviews for students
  • Providing information to students regarding notification of competitive examinations

Student Support Services (Policies adopted)

  • College Office provides each and every assistance to students to apply for Government Scholarships
  • Anti Ragging Committee and Anti Ragging Squad ensures zero tolerance to ragging
  • Grievance Redressal Cell to lodge complaints
  • Health and Hygiene Committee to sensitize students about the health issues
  • Internal Complaints Committee to address the issues related to sexual harassment
  • Infrastructural facilities for the differently-abled

The activities of the institution are reviewed by the Head of the institution by following aspects:

  • Consultation with IQAC and reports prepared by IQAC
  • Feedback from Teachers
  • Feedback from Students
  • Feedback from Office Staff
  • Feedback received from different stakeholders
  • Performance of faculty members is obtained from self-appraisal report obtained during promotion through career advancement scheme.


The Institution implements a Performance Appraisal system to evaluate the performance of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. The performance appraisal system is designed by the University according to the guidelines of the UGC to monitor and enhance the performance of the Teaching /Non-Teaching Staff.

Performance Appraisal of the Teaching Staff:

  • The IQAC appraises the performance of the teaching staff by adopting two methods such as Feedback System and Self-Appraisal Forms (API).
  • Feedback System: The performance of the Teachers is assessed based on the feedback received from the students. The feedback is collected annually through a structured questionnaire, across various teaching quality parameters and analyzed to assess the performance and to take necessary steps to plug the loopholes if any. The Feedback from the students, Peer and the Principal is also collected and analyzed for necessary action

Performance Appraisal of the Non-Teaching Staff:

  • Continuous monitoring: The Non –Teaching staff members are monitored on a continuous basis through informal inquiry and observation.
  • Reporting by the Administrative Officer: The Administrative Officer monitors and reports on the behavior and performance of the non-Teaching staff.

The Institution implements a Performance Appraisal system to evaluate the performance of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. The performance appraisal system is designed by the University according to the guidelines of the UGC to monitor and enhance the performance of the Teaching /Non-Teaching Staff.

Performance Appraisal of the Teaching Staff:

  • The IQAC appraises the performance of the teaching staff by adopting two methods such as Feedback System and Self Appraisal Forms (API).
  • Feedback System: The performance of the Teachers is assessed based on the feedback received from the students. The feedback is collected annually through a structured questionnaire, across various teaching quality parameters and analyzed to assess the performance and to take necessary steps to plug the loopholes if any. The Feedback from the students, Peer and the Principal is also collected and analyzed for necessary action
  • Self Appraisal Forms (API): The performance of the Teachers is reviewed through Self Appraisal, conducted annually. It is done through API forms, which are designed and provided by the university according to the UGC guidelines. The Teachers’ performance is reviewed across the parameters specified. The Appraisal of the Teachers becomes the basis for promotions and implementation of the incentives/rewards.

Performance Appraisal of the Non-Teaching Staff:

  • Continuous monitoring: The Non –Teaching staff members are monitored on a continuous basis through informal inquiry and observation.
  • Reporting by the Administrative Officer: The Administrative Officer monitors and reports on the behavior and performance of the non-Teaching staff.


In this institution at the end of every academic year internal financial audit is conducted by the team consisting of the Principal, Office Superintendent and Senior faculty member. They verify all the financial records such as fee collection records, purchases and other expenditure incurred by the college during the academic year. External audit is done by a qualified chartered accountant M/s Faikh & Company (CA Deshmukh)

Mechanism for setting audit objections
The Administrative Committee would comply with the audit objections raised by the auditors through proper written justification and rectify if any discrepancies stated. This gives the college a fair opinion on the allocation and utilization of the funds. Audit observations are settled during audit when query is issued and when necessary, rectification is done by the auditors. Audit observations are also settled during the meeting on the last day of the audit by providing necessary reply along with required information covering, recovery, adjustment rectification of errors or irregularities.

Internal Audit: Quarterly audit is done by Accountant and Office staff. They verify vouchers with Bank Pass Book. They maintain the voucher with the proper bill get authorised by Principal of Institution,

External Audit: External CA get all account audited with Voucher with Financial Statement.

The Principal and IQAC Coordinator always strive to encourage the Faculty Members of all the departments to organize seminars/conferences/workshops by sending proposals to various bodies for financial assistance and also put great efforts by heart and soul to utilize the resources of the college to the extent possible to provide quality and outcome-based education to the students.

The Institutional Strategies for mobilization of funds:

As it is an unaided institution, we try get the funds from the management and to tap the CSR funds of the Industries. To mobilize the resources through donations from Philanthropists, Industrialists and Trust etc.

To motivate the alumni for Contribution of funds

The allocation of the Financial Resources is planned by the Trustee of the college. The implementation as well as utilization of resources is undertaken through the well-defined procedures and internal control systems laid down. The Regular meetings of the Trustee and the Principal will monitor the implementation of the plan. The Financial Audit will act as effective control systems..

  1. Implementation of Online Feedback System from the stakeholders through the Management Information System (MIS) and the subsequent analysis and submission of the same with suggestions to the affiliating university and higher authority
  2. Organization of the series of webinars for staff and students in collaboration with different departments of SEMTs, M.B Harris College of Arts and A E Kalsekar College of Commerce and Management to sensitize the students towards the curricular aspects and environmental aspects
  3. Maintaining the Institutional Database and providing the same for COVID-19 vaccination Programme, in response to different government notifications, university circulars and for scholarship portal information. College organize COVID – 19 Vaccine Drive in College for People, Staff and students on 3rd July 2021 and 20th October 2021
  4. IQAC with different Committee organized various program and activities during the academic year
  5. IQAC with Environmental Awareness Committee of College conduct a Green Audit on 16th February 2022
  6. IQAC with different Committee organized various Inter colligate & Online Quiz Competition during the academic year
  7. IQAC along with DLLE participated in District Green Champion in the month of August 2021 organized by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education , Ministry of Education, Government of India.

The IQAC has designed the pattern of review system and assessment of learning out comes which is followed by the institution. It consists of two levels i.e. review at department level and at institutional level. The Institution reviews its teaching learning process through the following:

Monitoring of classes: The Principal monitors the timely conduct of classes and the adherence to the academic calendar.

Feedback from Students, Teachers and Parents: The feedback is collected through structured questionnaire using a rating scale from the students and parents about teaching- learning-evaluation process and about development of the college and analysis it. This is considered to be the one of the best methods for reviewing the teaching-learning process and to plug the loopholes.

Evaluation of Attainment of Program Outcomes (POs), Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs), Course Outcomes (COs): A method for evaluating the attainment of POs, PSOs and COs has been designed and implemented. The method ensures the evaluation of the Cos vis-à-vis the PSOs at the faculty level, evaluation of PSOs at the Head of the Department’s level and the POs at the Principal level. These help in assessment of the effectiveness of teaching –learning process.

Reports on Teaching Methodologies: With a view to monitor the quality of teaching- learning process, the IQAC conducted reviews on teaching methodologies implemented by the faculty periodically. The analysis of the reports helps in assessing the types of teaching- learning methods, ICT methods and Experiential learning etc. employed by the teachers, their relevance and effectiveness vis-a vis the learning objectives and outcomes.

Examination Results: The review of the examination results helps in assessment of the Departments and faculty members of concerned subjects. This enables to ascertain whether course outcomes are achieved or not and steps can be initiated in the form of remedial coaching to the slow Learners.

Self-Appraisal Form: The Self-Appraisal form is a tool widely used to enhance teachers’ quality. The IQAC collects API (Self-Appraisal Form) from all the teaching staff during the last five years and encouraged and motivates the teachers to enhance their performance. It is used to evaluate faculty up gradation across defined parameters.

The college practices Gender Equity through various facilities and programs which are as under

  • Safety and Security - Our college gives utmost value to the safety and security of the students. Our college runs under the CCTV surveillance and is equipped with 60 CCTV camera's ensuring safety and security to the students. First aid box is available for the cases of emergency throughout the year. The college organises various programmes to promote awareness among the students through information and programmes on Protection and safety for Students. Fire extinguishers are available in the college to suppress the accidental fire catches. NSS Unit of the college also conducted a webinar on Health is wealth to create awareness about safety and security amongst the students. WDC department of the college conducted some programs like sexual harassment webinar to indulge the students regarding safety of women’s by eminent speaker. Anti-ragging Committee of the college regulates girls safety in the college campus through introduction of various penalties and fines. WDC department of the college organizes Women’s Day and National Girl Child Day activities each year. WDC department of the college and Anti Ragging Committee provides safety of bullying to the freshers. Also, an Intercollegiate selfie Competition was arranged on the occasion of National Girl Child Day and the winners were endowed with cash prizes. Women's week was celebrated by WDC department which was enjoyed by female staff and students both. None the less, International Women's Day was replenished like the other years. College has Complaint Box at the ground floor to address the queries of the students (specially for girls)
  • Counselling - Regular Counselling sessions are conducted by our college psychiatrist and sexologist Dr. Danish Shaikh. The students feel free and discuss their problems to him by which they become stress free and learn anger management and this in turn improves their mental health. Also, the faculty members plays the role of mentors. The mentors of the concerned classes guide the students in day-to-day activities and motivate them in their interested areas. The faculty also counsels their parents in case if needed. Faculty members within the college are always available for the students to approach with their academic doubts and problems with regular guidance and support. Moreover, during the admission process the members of admission committee take care that students should enroll in right courses as per their academics and interest by Counselling both parents as well as students.
  • Common rooms - Our college has Girls Common Room with hygienic facilities provided with sanitary napkins and clean washrooms. This room also serves as rest rooms when any of the student is not well and needs rest.
  • Others - The percentage of female students has increased over the period since beginning and currently there are 516 female students our of total 1096 students. The number of teaching female staff members is 13 out of 17 full timers. Female staff members are hereby motivated by the management of the College and principal of the college with a token of love each year on Women's Day.


  • Solid waste management
  • Liquid waste management
  • Biomedical waste management
  • E-waste management
  • Waste recycling system
  • Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management

Solid Waste management - It is done by creating awareness through various programmes and rally in campus and nearby areas illustrating the side effects of using plastic bags and plastics in the college including nearby areas. The entire college is under Plastic Free Zone. Our college has dumped waste bins at various places including classrooms, computer lab, corridors, library, office areas and toilets. All the garden solid waste including dried leaves, flowers and others are dumped in the pit to make compost. The college peons are allocated the duties at each floor to collect, segregate and compile the waste in the dustbins available. Kitchen waste is mostly used to make organic compost. Xerox papers are reused to save the environment. Furniture’s are repaired and used rather than buying new ones.

Liquid Waste management - All the connections of water lines from toilets, washrooms, basins filters, etc. are attached with municipal drainage main lines. This drainage is further connected with the sewage treatment plant of the municipal corporation. The waste water from each filter have a bucket adjacent to it which is either used to clean washrooms or plantation. Also, kitchen waste water is sometimes reused for gardening purposes.

E waste management - E waste like non-working switches, electric cables, keyboard, mouse, and other electronic waste are kept in a separate room and disposed accordingly to the Scrap merchants. Old computers and CPU are repaired by inhouse technicians and then used. Teacher's teaching subjects like Environmental studies and Environmental Management make the students aware about hazards of E waste through PPT's during their lectures and even give some live examples with case studies.

Waste Recycling system - Our college has a Roof Top Rain Water harvesting system in which the rainwater is collected from roof building and then stored in well located on the ground of the college and it is utilized as and when required.


The institution is located at a place where cultural and religious diversity is a distinctive feature. The students from different cultural, religious, and socio-economic background come to the institution. Co - curricular activities through NSS and DLLE facilitate students to participate in different activities in an adopted village where they mingle with all communities.

The students of all cultural and religious background live together in adopted village for seven days of NSS residential camp which helps them to learn each other's cultures. The enrolled students of these units live with other regional, linguistic, religious, and cultural backgrounds.

Cultural Department of the college organizes annual meet in which students present different cultural activities emphasizes social and cultural harmony along with the national integrity. Celebration of Traditional Day provides ample space to students to present different cultural activities of all religions of the country.

Departments of the college organizes study tours to different areas in Maharashtra state every year. Students visit different geographical areas especially tourist points where cultural and social diversities of different regions are learnt. One of the purposes of organizing such study tours is to acquaint students with different regional, cultural, socio - economic, and linguistic diversities. It helps to create awareness among students regarding cultural and social identities of other regions.

The dedicated works and contributions of the eminent personalities for the nation building and development are keenly remembered and programs are effectively organized at the college level for the celebration of national festivals like Independence Day and Republic Day. All these activities will transform a normal student into a responsible citizen who can work hard for the prosperity and for the development of the nation.

25 students passed out Urdu Diploma Course conducted by NCPUL.

Our college has organized the following days through different committee's and departments

  • 12/7/2021 - World Population Day (Environment Awareness Committee)
  • 15/8/2021 - Independence Day Celebration (NSS Unit)
  • 5/9/2021 - Teacher's Day Celebration (Cultural Committee Department)
  • 14/11/2021 - Jawaharlal Nehru Jayanti (History Department)
  • 26/11/2021 - Constitution Day (History Department)
  • 3/1/2022 - Urdu Day (Urdu Department)
  • 8/1/2022 - Citizen Day (History Department)
  • 4/2/2022 - Yuva Day Celebration (NSS Unit)
  • 2/3/2022 - Marathi Bhasha Diwas (Marathi Wanghmay Committee)

The college sensitizes its staff and students to the constitutional obligations, their rights and duties as an individual. The staff and students are given liberty to exercise their rights within the code of ethics policy of the college. The college has Discipline committee, Women Development Cell, Anti ragging committee, Staff Grievance Cell and much more which are meant to protect the rights of the staff and students. Whoever feels discriminated based on their religion, community or gender can give a written complaint to the above committees which meet and look into the matter and do justice in this regard. The institution expects its staff to follow the biometric attendance and is mandatory to the staff while entering and leaving the college. The students are encouraged from the moment they join the college about the social responsibilities as the citizen of the country towards their fellow Indians. The students are taken to the NSS camp where they bloom into complete individuals. Each and every activity of the camp is useful to the society. The blood donation camps are held once in a year but could not be conducted during the lockdown period. The students also actively participated in blood donation. Such activities instill in them a sense of moral responsibility to help others which is the very purpose of education.

Also, various competitions are conducted to inculcate the values and sense of responsibility in the students. Webinars and seminars are organized to sensitize students and staff.

  • 4/6/2021 - Nazm Writing Competition (NSS Department)
  • 9/6/2021 - PPT on ILL effects of Tobacco Chewing
  • 12/7/2021 - Webinar on World Population Day (NSS Department)
  • 31/7/2022 - Munshi Premchand Samajik Yatharth ke Vishesh Sadhak (Hindi Department)
  • 24/9/2021 - Webinar on Health is Wealth (NSS Department)
  • 20/12/2021 - Guest lecture on Urdu Novel Nighari (Urdu Department)
  • 3/10/2021 - Training regarding precautions to be taken against Anemia
  • 25/11/2021 - Importance of Solar Energy in 21st Century (DLLE Department)
  • 26/11/2021 - Speech Competition on Constitutional Day (DLLE Department)
  • 7/1/2022 - Guest lecture on Importance of Translation (Hindi Department)
  • 8/1/2022 - PPT on Citizen Day (DLLE Department)
  • 27/1/2022 - Awareness on Voting rights (NSS Department)
  • 27/1/2022 - Exhibition on Save Water Save Earth (DLLE Department)
  • 17/2/2022 - Urdu Bait Baazi Competition (Urdu Department)
  • 19/2/2022 - Urdu Hand writing Competition (Urdu Department)


1) Title of the practice - Green and Clean Environment

2) Objective of the Practice -

  • To inculcate environmental attitude among the students and local people
  • To inculcate the value of cleanliness among the people of Sopara village near college campus
  • Conservation of traditional energy resources.

3) The context - Owing to the Best practice our college got nominated for ONE DISTRICT ONE GREEN CHAMPIONSHIP AWARD. All the indicators mentioned for the award were fulfilled by our college. As all the indicators matched with our current college activities, we have selected it as one of our best practices.

4) The practice - For successful goal achieving, the students were directed to work for One District One Green Champion Award

  • SANITATION AND HYGIENE - Our college distributed masks near the campus. We also made the public aware about the importance of hand sanitizer and disposal of masks in proper manner. In the Corona epidemic, the entire college was frequently being washed with the help of a sanitization machine.
  • WASTE MANAGEMENT - The use of digital banner was done in the college and created public awareness through webinars.
  • WATER MANAGEMENT - Water is used judiciously in the college. The rain water is also released into the well through the pipeline. Students and teachers pour the remaining water into the bucket and the same water is recyclable for the gardening purposes. Rally and exhibition are being organized every year to save water and explain the consequences of its scarcity.
  • ENERGY MANAGEMENT - Due to running of the entire college on solar panels energy is saved by the college at the optimum level. There is also reduction in electricity bills. Electricity is also saved due to the LED bulb being use throughout the college. Tags has been placed in every class to switch off lights and fans when they are not required to save electricity. Also, some staff and students travel on electric bike
  • GREENERY - Plantation of trees is done in the college area and surrounding areas. Various activities were organized in the college by NSS and DLLE Departments involving different types of activities.

5) Evidence of success - College has received Awards in the year 2021-22 from MGNRE in Palghar district of ONE DISTRICT ONE GREEN CHAMPIONSHIP AWARD by Ministry of Education (Government of India)

  • This award was received by our college by District Magistrate Dr. Shri Manik Gursal ji. He gave special greetings to our college.
  • Many big and famous colleges of Palghar district participated in this award ceremony as competitors. But we managed to get this award even being a very small institution, which is a great achievement.
  • This created awareness among the students by inculcating Value of sustainable goal.
  • The name of our college was published in the Loksatta News paper.

6) Problems Encountered and Resources Required - Being our college situated in a rural area, some people are illiterate and non-cooperative who did not wear masks during the Corona pandemic and were not least bother to understand. The people of the area were also less concerned about the cleanliness and hygiene at the residential and nearby places, also it was a tough task to explain them the Advantages and disadvantages for the same.

Best Practice 2

Title - Strengthening online learning for students.

Objectives - The main objective of online learning was to develop strong attitude towards learning that can help students overcome some of the potential challenges posed by online learning. Positive attitude towards learning, self-regulation and intrinsic motivation to learn play's an important role and improving the academic, mental and financial issues of the students.

The context - The whole process was taken care of through some of the following main points

  1. Financial Aid - Firstly the students were given full support and relaxation in fees payment through our college management members as some families became bankrupt some were unable to afford their bread and butter, owing to all these situations of COVID 19 the management decided and supported students and their families in this regard by waving off the fees of extremely poor students and also giving discounts and scholarships
  2. Technical Aid - Also our teachers provided whole support to students who were deprived of technical knowledge. Some of the students being of lower income groups did not even have their own smart phones so some teachers staying nearby came to the college even in this crucial pandemic and supported those students by handing over the smartphone & notes to such student so they could learn even at this phase.
  3. Teaching Aid - Students and teachers both being new to online methods of teaching and learning faced various difficulties to get adopted and flexible to this virtual learning. Teachers then first learnt the virtual mode and then imported this knowledge to learn to use the various apps relating to online learning.
  4. Psychological Aid - As every home had turned into a classroom so it became more and more difficult to keep a control over the students. To keep the students intact with the academic as well as psychological needs, our college teachers and principal sir conducted counselling sessions to emotionally and mentally cope up with the pandemic situations.

Evidence of success - The success can be measured through the mental behavior of students pre and post COVID taking virtual teaching into account. Students succeeded with good academic scores. The other challenges of finance and technical assistant also proved a success, many students and their families surpassed the crisis dealt in physical, financial and psychological aspects.

Problems encountered –

  1. Teachers faced problems contacting the students as many were out of town or state, hence communication was one of the challenges for both teachers and students.
  2. Time constraint was a major drawback in virtual teaching and learning.
  3. Internet connectivity created lapses in audio and video teaching.
  4. Power failure was another problem faced in remote areas
  5. Also, the students didn't have money to recharge their phones
  6. Lack of technical knowledge on the part of both teachers and students was the major issue.


Most of the students in the area are from low-income group and they are first generation learners. The college offers creativity, innovation, discipline and a good learning experience. It is constantly updating the infrastructure as and when required. DLLE, NSS and WDC Department of the college conducts various training programs and workshops on transferable skills to help the girls in the college to contribute to the society during the period of corona. The College conducts various courses under the Skill Development to promote self-employment and meet the global entrepreneurial skills requirements. The institute has started Urdu language course. Some non-Urdu students have been benefited from this MoU and it has been signed with said organizations to enhance social commitment. Industrial visit is organized to impart practical approach to the students, thus contributing to the industrial demand which failed to take place in the year 2021-22 owing to pandemic situations. The research committee of the college is focused on inculcating research habit in the students. Various research workshops, Presentations, seminars, etc. were organized for proper guidance to create quality research which is beneficial for the society through Avishkar Convention. We try to help young researchers translate their ideas into reality. Students and Teachers were awarded Certificates of Appreciation for their active contribution to the organization through various programs. The college conducts various outreach activities and courses every year to develop life skills in the students, motivated by NSS to serve the local adopted village and inculcate the value of social responsibility. A number of extension activities undertaken under NSS, DLLE and WDC is a significant feature of the College and its commitment to the holistic development of the students. In order to avail the educational facilities, needy students can opt for the Scholarships available in the college and is constantly thriving to contribute to the educational development of the local area, alumni and needy local students. Those appearing for competitive examinations can avail the college library facilities, the college has a book bank facility and subscription of INFLIBNET facility. Thus, the institution focuses on the educational advancement of the students. Corona-virus outbreaks have caused students to face displacement and stress in order to cope with anxiety, personal and family illness trauma, financial difficulties, and changing educational dynamics; The organization has distributed free food grains to various sections of the society. The government was appealing again and again but due to fear people were not taking the vaccine, so awareness was provided to the students and their families through vaccination drive which lasted for about 15 days. Even some of the students had doubts about their exams, library facilities etc. which were resolved. During the year Virtual African Poem festival was conducted on 30th and 31st July 2021 in collaboration with International Cultural Salon Association Tunisia, Journal of Practical Studies in Education, UK.
